OPEM, à la une


15 avril 2016

L'ITIS di Parma partecipa al progetto ERASMUS PIU', collaborando con gli isitituti tecnici ungheresi, polacchi e tedeschi. Il progetto, finanziato con fondi europei, prevede la realizzazione di un prodotto industriale che sarà concepito attraverso uno scambio di competenze e ricerche condotte dagli studenti dei vari istituti coinvolti.
OPEM SPA, nei giorni scorsi, ospitando una delegazione di questi studenti, ha sottolineato, ancora una volta, la volontà di sostenere concretamente il percorso formativo dell'importante realtà scolastica parmigiana.
Nell'articolo della Gazzetta di Parma potete leggere i dettagli del progetto e le dichiarazioni del direttore generale di OPEM Ombretta Sarassi

We continue to look ahead...

01 septembre 2015

OPEM, new capsule machine products starting from September

14 mai 2015

Opem Spa of Parma has been specializing in the design and manufacturing of customized capsule machines since 1986.

Due to extremely high demand, particularly in the coffee sector, Opem has designed faster and even more reliable machines for coffee capsules, tea and semi-liquid capsules, as well as capsules for other types of systems. It is Opem’s priority to meet the expectations of its customers.

Nowadays Opem remains popular with its customers for its ability to invent and produce all kinds of capsule machines.

To be specific, the following are just a few examples of Opem’s machines:

HES Kapseln (Illy)
K-Cup (GMCR)
Capsa (Allois Dallmayr)
Biodegradable Capsule (Ethical Coffee)
Lavazza machine for compostable capsules
Various shaped capsules, e.g. rectangular (Cafè d’Italia)

A very tight designer team, motivated and prepared by Opem founder and chairman Fabio Binacchi, are the basis of Opem’s packaging machines. Very soon the team will be ready to offer an even wider range of machines for small, medium, and large productions.

Starting in September you will be able to see first-hand all the new Opem machines.

These new machines have been conceived with the following characteristics in mind:


Multifunctional machines for Bio-compostable capsules, for dry and wet products, represent Opem’s latest innovation thanks to its flexibility, passion, and skill.